Mme Alfred Carriere

Price £ 33.00

Short description

It bears large, cupped, rather informal, creamy white blooms tinged with pink, which have a strong, sweet fruity fragrance. First flowering in June/July, it repeats until late in the season. The growth is strong, bushy and upright with plentiful foliage. Although rather stiff, training the stems will create a graceful effect.

  • Quantity
4 units in stock

Mme Alfred Carriere

David Austin
Price £ 33.00

Short description

It bears large, cupped, rather informal, creamy white blooms tinged with pink, which have a strong, sweet fruity fragrance. First flowering in June/July, it repeats until late in the season. The growth is strong, bushy and upright with plentiful foliage. Although rather stiff, training the stems will create a graceful effect.

  • Quantity
4 units in stock
Mme Alfred Carriere - image 2
Mme Alfred Carriere
Price £ 33.00

It bears large, cupped, rather informal, creamy white blooms tinged with pink, which have a strong, sweet fruity fragrance. First flowering in June/July, it repeats until late in the season. The growth is strong, bushy and upright with plentiful foliage. Although rather stiff, training the stems will create a graceful effect.

Perfect for: Large structures and growing into large trees

Characteristics: Repeat flowering, strong fruity scent and very few thorns

Where to grow: Full or partial sunlight, any soil

  • EAN code
  • Brand
  • Colour
    Creamy White
  • Size
  • Suitable for
    Partial shade, full sun, any soil
  • Years warranty

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